Setting Goals: Vision Board with Emily
“Oftentimes setting goals is a key element of the start of a new season and is a healthy practice to prioritize! Turning dreams into reality doesn’t happen overnight, but small steps everyday can help us set our intentions and take active steps towards making our goals become our realities. And that is where vision boards come into play! Whatever goal you have - whether it be rocking your freshman year, strengthening your relationship, being promoted at work, traveling somewhere new this year or even learning a new hobby - a vision board is the perfect way to take time for self care while memorializing your commitment towards pursuing your new goal.
Take time to journal:
‘What steps do I need to take this week, this month or over the next six months to make progress towards this goal?’
‘How can I hold myself accountable towards my goal?’
‘How does my goal align with my values?’
Gather materials you likely already have in your home!
Magazines, newspapers or old books, glue or tape, scissors and a piece of paper or a canvas to serve as your backdrop.
Begin by turning on a fun playlist, lighting your favorite candle, and start by cutting out the images that remind you of your goal or goals.
Be creative with your image selection!
After you have selected your images, begin arranging them on your board.
Arrange your images any way you like!
Make sure to display your vision board somewhere you'll see it regularly.
This will help you be both consciously and subconsciously reminded of the goals you set for yourself!
Set a reminder on your phone to check in.
Aim to check in with yourself in a week, in a month, in 3 months and in 6 months to check up on your progress on your goal or goals!
Vision boards are fun and effective tools in helping us identify our intentions, aspire to new dreams and motivate towards what steps we need to take to achieve our goals! I hope you take time to care for yourself in this way this month!”