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Finding Friendship by Eleanor

As summer approaches, the opportunity for social events tends to increase, which can lead to fear and loneliness for some. Oftentimes, finding meaningful and trustworthy relationships in adulthood can be a challenge due to various reasons. Some have a difficult time trusting people while others are fearful of judgement. Making quality friends in adulthood takes effort and vulnerability -- not an easy task!

However, there are steps you can take to creating and identifying healthy friendships. For those who are unsure if the people in their friend group are good quality friends, I'd encourage you to notice how you feel when you leave interactions with them. Do you feel energized and good about yourself or depleted and anxious in your body? Would you go to these people with hard news or just go to them to have a good time?

For those who are having a difficult time making friends, I'd encourage you to identify your interests and find local events that meet those interests. You will be more likely to find like-minded people doing something you enjoy! Try an engaging activity like going on a walk or grabbing a coffee with someone you've met to foster a deeper connection.

It takes courage to put yourself out there but remember that a lot of people feel the same way as you!