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Exploring Emotions by Cille

“We all experience a wide range of emotions on a daily basis, but rarely take the time to get to know them! Every emotion is information, and learning more about your emotional experience can lead to a greater sense of self-awareness and even facilitate emotional regulation. Let’s get started!

  1. Start by taking a look at a feeling wheel, like the one shown below. As you scan through the emotions listed, try to identify 3 to 5 emotions that you experience often, or on a daily basis.

    • The emotions listed on this feeling wheel don’t include every emotion, so if there’s one that comes to mind that’s not listed here, that works too!

  2. Once you have identifed the emotions that you tend to feel most often or daily, take a moment to reflect on the ways in which you express those emotions.

    • For example, if you identified ‘overwhelmed’ you might note that you express that emotion through isolating, snapping/lashing out at others, or crying.

  3. Next, explore the impactof these identified emotions and their expression.

    • For example, if you identified ‘overwhelmed’ you might note that this feeling, combined with how you express that emotion, keeps you from being fully present/connected in your relationships, makes it difficult to concentrate at work, and/or leads to diminished self-confidence.

  4. Lastly, consider how you would rather feel. NOTE: Although some emotions may feel uncomfortable, it’s important to acknowledge, honor, and experience them instead of avoiding them. All emotions are important and have purpose. However, once experienced, sometimes we have difficulty regulating or moving through the emotion. By identifying how you’d rather feel, you can begin to take steps towards learning how to regulate your emotions.

    • For example, if you identified ‘overwhelmed’ you might note that you’d rather feel at peace or self-assured. Once you’ve identified these alternative emotions, you might spend some time reflecting on, and/or engaging in, the thoughts and behaviors/activities that help you feel more at peace or self-assured - such as getting some fresh air, listening to calming music, talking with a friend, or reminding yourself of how you’ve gotten through difficult moments in the past.