w e l c o m e t o d e l i l a h
take a minute to breathe. we are so glad you are here. starting therapy can feel like such a vulnerable experience. no worries, we are here to walk you through it.
a b o u t d e l i l a h
Delilah Counseling is a contemporary counseling space in Nashville for women and girls to be seen, known, and heard in therapy. Whether it’s past trauma, worries in your head, feelings of sadness, or relationship patterns that continue to lead to feelings of hurt, our goal is to help youget in touch with things that may have gone unnoticed until recently. Our approach to therapy is molded to fit each client’s specific needs and goals — each experience is hands-on and client-centered, as each woman’s story is unique.
t h e d e l i l a h t e a m
Andrea Santa Maria
Cille Martin
Lane O’Donnell
Eleanor Estes
Anna Pohlkamp
Emily Keller
a r e a s o f f o c u s
trauma depression
spirituality anxiety
self-esteem perfectionism
couples + families pregnancy
life transitions grief & loss
disordered eating OCD
relationships body image